I have saved the world many times. Or—at least—I have tried.
I switched to organic vegetables, I subscribed to a CSA. I tried being vegetarian for a week–and ate a double bacon cheeseburger on day seven. I made all my Christmas gifts one year. I have volunteered for hospice and signed up for high school ministry. I have grown my own tomatoes. I have built houses in Mexico and considered going on staff with a Christian organization and inquired about volunteering in a slum and sent letters and pictures to a sponsored child. I have wrapped glass bottles in cardboard boxes; I have gone without a car. I have used cloth diapers, and even dried them on the line.
You can expend a lot of effort—and feel like you’re make very little difference—this way. You can search for the perfect cause and always come away feeling empty. You might start to avoid the news headlines because they expose your helplessness every morning.
I have tried to do more many times. Believe me, I admire those who seem to do more effectively.
But lately, I have been trying a different approach.
I’m over at Addie Zierman’s site today, talking about how, exactly, I’m changing how I approach changing the world. Won’t you join me there?
Hi Heather! I found your blog through your guest post on Addie Zierman’s blog. I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your post this morning! “In the lack of effort, in the time and emptiness I was working so hard to fill before, I am trying to breathe. I am trying to remember Who it is that heals, changes things, and makes all things new.” ~ Wow! What a beautiful reminder! I’ll be thinking on this one for quite some time. Thank you so much for sharing!
Oh, wow, Ginger! I’m so grateful you enjoyed it! I am finding such freedom in letting go of this constant need to DO, and instead BE: be restful, be awake, be honest, be carried. I pray that I keep going in this direction, and you too.
Your words are so encouraging to me–I hope you DO enjoy the book, and the rest of the site. I am proud to say it is a work in progress–I’m amazed at how my heart is changing as I work on it.