Can I tell you something that embarrasses me?
I’m becoming a Bible nerd.
Yesterday, I recorded myself reading some Psalms aloud. I made MP3s of the files, and added them to a playlist on my iPhone.
Today, I listened to them while I was cleaning the scrambled egg off of a cast-iron pan.
Why? I’m trying to memorize the first twenty Psalms. The recordings are part of my method.
Another method is making up arm movements for each phrase. You know, like that guy who pretended to know ASL while “interpreting” President Obama?
Yeah, it’s bad.
I try not to think about how I look as I gesticulate. I make sure my kids can’t see.
I’m embarrassed to tell you this because I didn’t plan on becoming one of those kind of Christians.
Normal people wash dishes and listen to the Today show or Adele or (actually, I have no idea what normal is. Help!).
Normal people do not listen to scratchy recordings of themselves saying, “Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain?” or “You have filled my heart with greater joy than when grain or new wine abound.”
I prefer this to Justin Timberlake? Really?
I’m as flummoxed as you.
I’m on SheLoves Magazine today, talking about what happened when I paid attention to the brief moments where I didn’t hate the Bible. Won’t you join me?
I have only recently discovered your blog, but wanted you to know that I really, really appreciate it. 🙂
This is just lovely to hear, Jen! I appreciate you saying so!